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Dashboard View | Portfolio Management

How to set up the dashboard view and create portfolios

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

😅What are Dashboards?

MetaSpark's dashboard view offers a new way to interact with table data through a visual project summary that condenses intricate information into digestible widgets. With this comprehensive snapshot, teams are empowered to make quick and informed decisions, enhancing overall project agility.

The customizable widgets allow users to tailor their dashboards to reflect key project metrics, like task trends and project progress. Its visual appeal streamlines communication, fostering efficient collaboration across teams and stakeholders.

🎁Included in Standard Plan: $12/user per month.

🚀How to use Dashboards

There are two ways to utilize dashboards: 1) for visualizing data per board, and 2) for portfolio management.

To access the dashboard view, simply navigate to a board and select 'Dashboard' from the 'Views' dropdown menu.

Once in the Dashboard View, add widgets by clicking 'Add New Chart'. In the chart's configuration settings, you can adjust parameters, set filters, and choose specific data to be displayed in each widget.

MetaSpark ensures the Dashboard View remains dynamic with real-time updates, instantly reflecting any changes made within the project board.

🤖Chart Configuration

The chart configuration includes several steps to set up your desired widget.

  • Chart Title: Select a descriptive name for your chart that accurately represents the data you wish to display.

  • X-Axis: The dropdown menu provides a range of datasets to choose from, such as progress, overdue tasks, and burn-down. *Please note that the displayable data is limited to the options available in the dropdown.

  • Chart Type: The chart type presents various options for visualizing your dataset, including formats like bar, radial, and line charts.

  • Period Type: The period type functionality allows you to flexibly visualize your data across an appropriate span of time, ranging from days up to a month.

  • Split Data: Organize data by groups or at the task level.

  • Filter: You can refine your chart by removing specific tasks, using filters based on the task's status, group, or assigned team member.

Select 'Save' to add the new chart to your dashboard.

📝Editing, Organizing, & Exporting Charts

By hovering over a chart, you can view interactive icons.

Select the pencil icon to open the chart's configuration settings.

Hold and drag the 'Move' icon to relocate your chart to a different part of the dashboard.

Click the 'X' to delete your chart.

Select the menu to open a dropdown of export formats.

Depending on the chart type, you may see additional options to:

Zoom in

Zoom out

Reset Zoom

Dashboards for Portfolio Management

Depending on your permissions, you may notice a Dashboard option in your main menu. Although it shares some similarities with the Dashboard View on your boards, it serves a distinct purpose.

Your primary dashboard is designed to visualize data comparisons across various projects, streamlining portfolio management. It features additional widgets like Project Summary, Task Summary, and Board Status Overviews.

Click on each highlight to open its details. The Details pane will showcase all boards within a specific portfolio. To the right of each board name, you will find the count of Open and Closed tasks along with a progress bar, providing a visual representation of each project's advancement.

Similarly, the task summary displays task names, due dates, and completion statuses. Effortlessly navigate to tasks or boards directly from the dashboard view.

📊Creating Your Project Summary & Portfolios

A default project summary will appear when you open the Dashboard. To adjust the summary parameters, simply click the pencil icon located in the top right corner.

In the 'Boards' field, either a single workspace or a portfolio will be selected as the data source for your summary.

To create a new portfolio, click the dropdown arrow and select .

To set up your portfolio, give it a name and select what data you want to be included. You have the option to choose broadly by selecting entire workspaces or more specifically by folders and boards. 👇

Follow the same process to make adjustments to your task summary.


Anyone with access to a board can navigate to the Dashboard view for that specific board. Permissions for accessing portfolio management are regulated by the account's admin under settings.

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