Kanban Boards

How to use Kanban boards

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

🐣Kanban basics

Kanban boards consist of columns representing different stages of your workflow, such as "Open," "Working on it," and "Done." Tasks are represented as cards that move across the board from one column to another as they progress.

❌Kanban boards cannot be created independently from a Table.

✅Kanban boards are automatically generated by syncing with any board.

🎨Set up Kanban view

To create a Kanban board, start by clicking on the "+" icon next to 'Table' above any board and selecting 'Kanban'.

When adding a Kanban view for the first time, you'll be prompted to configure the board, choosing which fields to include on the cards. Fields not selected will still be visible as columns on your original board (Table View).

📝Edit Kanban fields

Click any field on the task cards to open the vertical view, where you can easily edit all task fields.

To effortlessly update the status, simply drag and drop the cards into the desired status columns.

All changes made in the Kanban view will be automatically reflected in the original Table view.

⚙️Reconfigure Kanban Settings

To change the Kanban configuration settings, click the ellipses next to 'Kanban' and select 'Settings'.

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